The Forensic expert kollegium carries out acoustic calculations for engineering and construction organizations, enterprises and individuals. The Forensic expert kollegium has extensive experience in engineering works and field research in the area of vibroacoustics of both residential buildings and small industrial enterprises, trading and public catering, as well as projected objects of republican significance.
As a rule, the need for acoustic calculations arises:
- while engineering sanitary protection zones of enterprises and organizations;
- when the regulatory authorities prescribe the confirmation of the compliance of the sound insulation of the enclosing structures of buildings with the requirements of the technical regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus;
- while engineering enclosing structures of buildings with a required sound insulation;
- while engineering measures to reduce noise levels in residential, industrial and public buildings;
- while engineering sound-insulating and sound-absorbing structures (acoustic screens) in the premises of enterprises;
- while engineering vibration isolation of technological equipment of buildings.
A feature of performing acoustic calculations in the Forensic expert kollegium is the use of licensed software AWP «Acoustics» 3D, with the help of which noise propagation is designed and calculated. The use of modern software systems makes it possible to perform three-dimensional modeling and evaluate the propagation of noise both in the horizontal plane and in height. The program also takes into account point, line and polygonal sources of noise, as well as sources of noise, which in terms of time and nature of the action can be constant or non-constant. The sound pressure level of noise sources is assessed not only on the basis of the equipment passport data, but also during field measurements with the use of the latest vibroacoustic measuring instruments that have passed state verification and are properly calibrated. The studies are carried out by specialists trained in Belarus and the Russian Federation, certified as forensic experts at the State committee of forensic expertise of the Republic of Belarus (Ministry of justice of the Republic of Belarus) and as experts on certification of organizations of the System of voluntary certification of organizations, specialists, products and technological processes in the field of labor protection (SDSOT, Russian Federation). After carrying out acoustic calculations in order to engineer enclosing, sound-insulating, sound-absorbing and sound-insulating structures, the experts of the Forensic expert kollegium conduct a full-scale test of the installed structures in order to determine the effectiveness of the measures taken to reduce the level of noise and vibration.
Depending on the purposes of the acoustic calculation and the characteristics of objects containing noise sources, the customer of the calculation must submit a different set of necessary documentation to the Forensic expert kollegium. Further, the most typical tasks of acoustic calculation and the related features of interaction between the customer and the engineers of the Forensic expert kollegium are considered:
- assessment of the acoustic impact of the enterprise (organization) on the environment;
- determination of the soundproofing ability of new structures;
- determination of the soundproofing ability of the enclosing structures of the designed or erected buildings;
- assessment of the noise level in the building from projected or existing noise sources;
- reducing the noise level in the building when the noise sources are located outside the building;
- reducing the noise level in the building when the noise sources are located in the same building behind the enclosing structures;
- reducing the noise level in the room when the noise sources are located in the same room;
- reducing the vibration in a room.
You can order acoustic calculations at the Forensic expert kollegium at: Minsk, Zhukovskogo st., 11 A, 4th floor
or by phone +375 (17) 317 04 71; +375 (17) 317 04 72; +375 (17) 317 04 73; +375 (17) 317 04 74; +375 (17) 317 04 76; +375 (44) 588 60 11, +375 (29) 109 60 11