+375 (29) 109 60 11
+375 (44) 588 60 11
+375 (29) 109 60 11
+375 (44) 588 60 11
Виды судебных экспертиз, которые выполняются в Судебно-экспертной коллегии
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Виды экспертиз товаров и услуг в Судебно-экспертной коллегии
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Виды экспертиз транспортных средств в Судебно-экспертной коллегии
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The Forensic expert kollegium, in accordance with license № 07050/16 for carrying out activities on conducting forensic expertise, issued by the Ministry of justice of the Republic of Belarus and registered in the Unified register of licenses under № 42200000007635, as well as on the basis of certificate of conformity № 0000160-OB dated May 6th, 2016 and a certificate of conformity № BY/112 05.01. 002.01 00821 dated March 20th, 2024, performs forensic expertise and expertise of goods and services, technical expertise of buildings and structures, diagnostics and expertise of technological equipment, non-destructive testing of objects of mechanical engineering, energy, chemical industry, hoisting mechanisms, pipelines, road transport, studies of microclimate parameters and harmful factors at work and in residential premises, studies of the causes of accidents at work, polygraph tests, metrological services for measurements, tests, development of measurement methods and methods for certification of test equipment in Belarus and the CIS countries.
Our company has a staff of certified forensic experts in the following types of forensic expertise:
The Forensic expert kollegium employs forensic experts certified by the State property committee of the Republic of Belarus and the State committee for science and technology of the Republic of Belarus to conduct all types of independent valuation.
The administration and expert departments of our company are located at: Minsk, Zhukovskaga St., 11A, 4th floor
Phone numbers: +375 (17) 317 04 71; +375 (17) 317 04 72; +375 (17) 317 04 73; +375 (17) 317 04 74; +375 (17) 317 04 76; +375 (29) 109 60 11; +375 (44) 588 60 11
Администрация и экспертные отделы
Беларусь, г. Минск, ул. Жуковского, д. 11А, 4-й этаж
+375 (17) 317 04 71, +375 (17) 317 04 72,
+375 (17) 317 04 73, +375 (17) 317 04 74,
+375 (17) 317 04 76, +375 (29) 109 60 11,
+375 (44) 588 60 11
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Отдел судебных экспертиз в г. Бобруйске
Беларусь, г. Бобруйск, ул. Комсомольская, д. 25
+375 (225) 70 57 93, +375 29 1966011
Юридический адрес
Беларусь, г. Минск, ул. Якубова, д.80, 15-й этаж