The Forensic expert kollegium conducts all types of forensic auto-commodity expertise.

Auto-commodity expertise is a study of vehicles, which is carried out in order to establish the objective value of a vehicle, to determine the cost of the damage, to determine the cost of refurbishing a vehicle, as well as to solve the following problems:

  • verification of the compliance of the brand, model, type (purpose), date of release, technical characteristics of the vehicle with the information specified in the technical passport or other accompanying documentation;
  • verification of information on the technical condition, the presence of damage to the vehicle and their compliance with the mechanism of the road traffic accident;
  • determination of the nature of damage to the vehicle and methods of its elimination;
  • determination of the cost of vehicle spare parts;
  • determination of the amount of loss of the vehicle's market value;
  • determination of the quality of service of a vehicle at a car service enterprise, identification of a cause-and-effect relationship with the occurrence of damage to a vehicle;
  • determination of the cost of refurbishment and the residual value of the vehicle, determination of the actual amount of damage caused;
  • determination of the market value of the vehicle;
  • determination of the value of the coefficient of physical wear of the vehicle and its parts;
  • checking the correctness of the calculation of the costs of restoring the vehicle and the compliance of the list of repair works with the current technologies of repair and maintenance of the vehicle.

While carrying out a forensic auto-commodity expertise, the following objects are examined by the Forensic expert kollegium:

  • the vehicle (car, tractor, bus, motorcycle, etc.);
  • the units and parts of the vehicle separately;
  • operational and repair documentation for the vehicle.

As a rule, the judicial or investigative authorities assign a complex of auto-commodity and auto-technical expertise.

The work on the production of forensic auto-commodity expertise at the Forensic expert kollegium is carried out by qualified in the field of auto-commodity expertise specialists, as well as appraisers who are certified by the Belarusian transport insurance bureau, the State property committee of the Republic of Belarus and the State committee of forensic epertise of the Republic of Belarus.

The Forensic expert kollegium is the official user of the software for calculating the cost of vehicle refurbishment, including the following programs: Audatex AndaPad Web, Autocalc, SilverDat II. These programs contain databases with official information on vehicle repairs and the cost of spare parts from manufacturers. Thus, the evaluation is carried out with taking into account the cost of original spare parts from manufacturers or their partners.

Questions that are usually held up for resolution of a forensic auto-commodity expertise:

  • What is the cumulative physical wear of the vehicle (at the time of production, at the time of the accident)?
  • What is the cost of restoring the vehicle after a road accident?
  • What is the loss of the value of the vehicle due to poor-quality repair work (maintenance)?

In order to conduct a forensic auto-commodity expertise, the following documents must be submitted to the Forensic expert kollegium as additional materials:

  • certificate of registration of the vehicle in the Republic of Belarus (technical passport of the vehicle) and in its absence - other documents of the vehicle indicating its belonging and country of origin;
  • document (certificate) on passing the state technical inspection;
  • other documents, depending on the question held up for the auto-commodity expertise.

You can consult on a forensic auto-commodity expertise at the Forensic expert kollegium at: Minsk, Zhukovskogo st., 11A, 4th floor

or by phone: +375 (17) 317 04 71; +375 (17) 317 04 72; +375 (17) 317 04 73; +375 (17) 317 04 74; +375 (17) 317 04 75; +375 (17) 317 04 76; +375 (29) 109 60 11; +375 (44) 588 60 11

Контакты EN

Администрация и экспертные отделы
Беларусь, г. Минск, ул. Жуковского, д. 11А, 4-й этаж
+375 (17) 317 04 71, +375 (17) 317 04 72,
+375 (17) 317 04 73, +375 (17) 317 04 74,
+375 (17) 317 04 76, +375 (29) 109 60 11,
+375 (44) 588 60 11

Отдел судебных экспертиз в г. Бобруйске
Беларусь, г. Бобруйск, ул. Комсомольская, д. 25
+375 (225) 70 57 93, +375 29 1966011

Юридический адрес
Беларусь, г. Минск, ул. Якубова, д.80, 15-й этаж